Various Drawings

outdoor urban drawing sketch

Friday Harbor, WA


I like to draw while on vacation, and this was a complex and interesting waterfront scene.

pencil drawing by Craig McDowall


Music Arts storefront

This drawing was made from the back of my El Camino, which you can see if you look closely. In fact it is seen from two angles.

Self Portrait (in the sky)

pen and ink

Emperious Mine, Creede , CO

pen and ink

In college I worked two years on a small farm-ranch. Part of the job was leveling new fields, which means hundreds of hours doing circles on an old open tractor. I was going bonkers. This was pre-Internet and pre-mobile; No iPhones, no texts, no podcasts, no earbuds, no live ESPN, no Instagram or TikTok. Nothing but the huge sky of the SLV, the mountains on the horizon, and the patterns I could make with the tractor. 

Dan and I, and sometimes others, took day trips around the San Luis Valley and made a lot of sketches, such as at the Emperious Mine.


Old House, Lacey

pen and ink

Old School House

I wonder if this little gem is still standing today? The winds can be fierce on the plains.

Judgement Day

pen and ink

I don’t think Judgement Day is that great a drawing, its looks like high school work. It does remind me of an incident where I had to defend my ideas. My (classically trained) instructor gave an assignment to depict the last judgement day. I came up with this drawing, but he had in mind something more from the Renaissance. We didn’t agree, and I learned that I have to follow my own muse. Look close for another appearance by my old El Camino (lower left).